Our Mission & Vision 

We exist to be good news to our neighbours and beyond by practicing the way of Jesus. 

Our Mission

We are a group of people who are passionate about Jesus, His way of living, and His mission to transform the world. What follows is our best expression of God's heart for us and Jesus' desire for His church expressed as St. Albert Alliance Church.

Our Mission is to be Good News to our neighbours and beyond by practicing The Way of Jesus

Our Vision

To be a Jesus-loving, Spirit-embracing, Life-changing movement transforming the communities where we live, learn, work and play.

Our Core Values

  • Listening to Jesus as the functional head of the church and leader of our lives.
  • Anchoring our teaching in the Bible as the revelation of Jesus.
  • Serving and growing in community. We believe we are better together and serve best as a team.

Our Strategy: 

We create environments and experiences to equip and empower people to:

Grow in Community 

Multiply Disciples

We believe we grow best in groups where we can develop authentic relationships, dialogue about faith, and encourage each other in the Jesus way of living.
Jesus charged all His disciples to go and make more disciples, baptizing and teaching them everything they have learned about Jesus' Way of living. Our groups help disciples of Jesus become disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

Embrace the Spirit

Serve Sacrificially

We believe God gave us the Holy Spirit so we can know Jesus, live like Jesus, and join in Jesus' mission to change the world, so our groups help people grow in their capacity to experience the presence and power of the Spirit.
Jesus modelled a life of service, helping people in need without expecting anything in return. We believe Jesus invites us to join him in bringing help, healing, and hope to the broken and lost.

Watch Now: Vision Sunday 

Watch our Vision Sunday sermon as Pastor Kirk talks more about our God Given Goals and focus for the next several years

Who We Are

At St. Albert Alliance we are part of a larger family of churches called the Alliance Canada.

We come from a rich history of seeking the deeper life of following Christ and reaching the nations through global missions. As name suggests, missions is a large part of what we are all about. The Alliance Canada is committed to meeting world needs, both spiritual and physical, by being actively involved in sending and supporting missionaries – those who advocate for the outworking of kingdom values throughout the world.

For more information on the Alliance Canada -  visit their WEBSITE