Next Steps 

Since you clicked through to this page, it is probably safe to assume you have some thoughts about Jesus. Those can range from questions of who He is and what He was about, or maybe a belief that He has some good things to say all the way to an uncertainty that any of it makes sense. So where do you go from here.

Starting Point 

 We believe that we all need a starting point, wether that is exploring questions of faith for the first time or returning to church after a long time being away. But you don’t need a lecture, a list of rules, or a podcast.

How about a conversation?

Stay tuned for upcoming dates!  Click below if you're interested in taking part 

Becoming a Christian

At St. Albert Alliance church we believe that we were all created for relationship with God. Choosing to follow Jesus is not about bad people becoming good, but dead people coming to life that is found through Jesus.

It begins with a choice that we all have to make.

 Have you taken the step to trust Jesus with your life?  We would love to hear about it and join you on the next steps in your journey.

Read Your Bible 

So what next?  How do you get to know more about God?
 God created us for relationship with Him. In any relationship communication is key. So how do you communicate with someone you can’t see.
First It starts with PRAYER.  Prayer is simply talking with God. It doesn’t have to be fancy words or done a certain way. The good news is that God is so big He is always ready to hear from you.

Second -  God’s primary way to speak to us is THROUGH THE BIBLE.

Get Baptized

You’ve chosen to believe in Jesus and your starting to grow in your journey with him, it’s time to take the next step.

BAPTISM  is something Christians have been doing for thousands of year as a public declaration of their trust in Jesus.  

It is a great opportunity to tell your story of meeting with Jesus and how he’s changing your life. Click the button to connect with one of our pastors and sign up for our next opportunity !

We celebrate Baptism monthly! If you are interested in next steps and baptism, click the link!